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Abuse: 18 new graduates from the Gregorian University with expertise in child protection

Children in Nigeria who work as street hawkers and end up being caught into the network of ill treatment; underage girls in Ghana who are forced to get married with serious implications for their mental and physical health; children and adolescents in India who fall victim to the traps of the Internet. These are just a few examples of abuse perpetrated against children in several regions of the world, analysed by 18 students who have earned a Diploma in Safeguarding of Minors from the Pontifical Gregorian University. The graduation ceremony, which was held at the University today, was an opportunity to present the final papers and the posters created at the end of the course coordinated by Karlijn Demasure, executive director of the Centre for Child Protection (CCP), and by Katharina A. Fuchs. The graduates come from the Czech Republic, Ghana, India, Japan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Nigeria, Slovakia, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, and the United States. The course is part of the activities of the CCP that since 2012 has been engaged in the prevention of sexual abuse, starting with a multidisciplinary and online reflection with experts and international associations.


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