EU: Economic Forecasts, estimated rise. Dombrovskis, “growing even in 2019”. But in a few countries the employment markets are stagnating

(Brussels) “European economy is achieving results that exceed all expectations, and the current strong growth is bound to continue next year as well. So, we must go on with our work plan that aims at making sure that all European citizens may benefit of such growth. We must make the most of this time to make our economies more resilient and to go further into the Economic and Monetary Union”. Valdis Dombrovskis, deputy president of the EU Commission, in charge of the euro and social dialogue, comments with very positive tones the Interim Economic Forecasts provided in Brussels today. Such favourable developments, according to the EU Commission, are due “both to a stronger economic situation in Europe, where employment markets keep getting better and where the climate of confidence in economy is particularly good, and to a stronger than expected recovery of international business and trade”. A strong demand, a high level of use of productive capacities and “favourable investment conditions should boost investments in the period covered by the Economic Forecasts”. Inflation (about 1.5%) “should still be moderate”, while in a few countries “the employment markets are stagnating, “only slowly improving”, while wage pressures are still fairly low.

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