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Pope-Erdogan meeting: Holy See, “situation of the country”, reception of refugees and Jerusalem among the topics discussed

Vaticano, 5 febbraio 2018: Papa Francesco incontra il presidente della Turchia Erdogan

“During the cordial discussions, the bilateral relations between the Holy See and Turkey were evoked, and the parties spoke about the situation of the country, the condition of the Catholic community, efforts in the reception of the many refugees and the challenges linked to this”. This is according to a statement released by the Holy See Press Office today, at the end of the audience granted by the Pope to the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who subsequently went on to meet with the Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Mgr. Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States. “Attention then turned to the situation in the Middle East, with particular reference to the status of Jerusalem – the statement reads -, highlighting the need to promote peace and stability in the region through dialogue and negotiation, with respect for human rights and international law”.

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