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Argentina: Bishops after visit to the Vatican, “confirmed by the Pope in our commitment as Pastors”. Pope Francis will not visit his homeland for now

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

At the conclusion of their visit to the Vatican, in the evening of Saturday, 3 February, the members of the Executive Committee of the Argentinian Bishops’ Conference (CEA), chaired by Mgr. Oscar V. Ojea, Bishop of San Isidro, released a message with a first assessment of their meetings with the Pope: “In the past few days – the statement reads -, we have met with the Supreme Pontiff twice. On 1 February, we joined in the celebration of the Eucharist, at Santa Marta. On that occasion, we were able to greet him and express our fraternal affection to him. This morning (Saturday, editor’s note), Pope Francis has met us again in a private audience confirming us in the faith as part of his ministry as the Good Shepherd of the universal Church”.
During its meetings at the Vatican, the Executive Committee of the CEA received an update on the preparations for the 2018 Synod on Youth and for the 2019 Pan-Amazon Synod. In the audience on Saturday, the Argentinian Bishops continued, “we have focused on the various pastoral issues that concern us which have found resonance with Pope Francis. His passion for evangelisation and his authoritative reflections help us to discern our commitment as pastors, to be present with evangelical courage in the places where our brothers are in need. So that our word may extend in the selfless witness of the gift”. During our conversation, “we renewed our invitation to the Pope to visit Argentina, when he deems it appropriate. For now, however, the Pope will not come to our country, and we accept and respect his decision”.

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