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EU Parliament: report on fundamental rights. “Europe, a wealthy continent, attracts migrants”. Rules for acceptance

Bruxelles: l'eurodeputato Frank Engel


(Brussels) The phenomenon of migration is at the centre of a report of the European Parliament, officially regarding the “state of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2016”, which the EU Assembly will address at the plenary meeting in Brussels on February 28th-March 1st. The report, authored by by Luxembourg-born MEP Frank Engel, states in its “reasons”: “Respecting the citizens’ fundamental rights is an ambition and a constant commitment of the European construction process… Beyond our borders, the European states and their Union are perceived as a stalwart of personal rights and freedoms, which widely explains the attraction that our continent has for people who are persecuted or in danger in their countries and who look for shelter and protection in Europe”. “Europe is a wealthy continent, where people can have plenty of opportunities to accomplish their goals. This perception, sometimes questioned in our continent, is still widespread in our neighbouring areas: in the Near and Middle East, in Turkey and in Africa. Hundreds of thousands of people have travelled, often exposing themselves to terrible risks, to get closer to and ideally reach Europe”.
“Such people, exposed to any form of abuse and mistreatment, will keep knocking on Europe’s doors. It is essential that migrants taken in Europe are given the opportunity to fully contribute to the society of the continent in which they have chosen to live. Likewise, it is essential for Europe to honestly and clearly communicate that it cannot take in all those who try to settle in its territory without being entitled to”.




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