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CCEE: Tirana, first meeting of the “Youth” Commission. Among the topics: vocational pastoral care and preparation for Synod

La riunione svoltasi oggi a Tirana

The First Meeting of the “Youth” Commission of CCEE was held today in Tirana (Albania). Created by the 2017 CCEE Plenary Assembly, this new Commission “testifies to the desire of the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe to give greater attention and emphasis to the theme of the accompaniment of young people on their journey of faith”. The meeting was held on the eve of the Congress of the Commission Vocations-EVS (European Vocations Service) on vocational pastoral care in Europe that will take place in Tirana from tomorrow, 28 February, until 3 March. The works, led by the President of the Commission, the Archbishop of Luxembourg, Mgr. Jean-Claude Hollerich, began with “an evaluation of the work carried out in previous years and with an exchange around some themes that closely affect youth ministry”. Subsequently, a statement reads, “the Commission looked at the work of each of the three sections of its competence (school and university, youth ministry and pastoral care of vocations), developing some guidelines for the work of the next years”. The Commission “welcomed the work of preparation for the Episcopal Conferences to the forthcoming Synod of Bishops on ‘Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment’, scheduled for next October, and began to reflect on the ways in which to promote, in the various areas of the commission, the expected fruits of the Synod”.

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