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Germany: Bishops’ Plenary meeting, discussion on the translation of the “Lord’s Prayer”. Card. Woelki, “in Lent, going back to God”


“Regardless of translation problems”, temptation does exist and we experience it in our life and Jesus experienced it too. This is how the Cardinal of Cologne, Rainer Maria Woelki, as he celebrated Mass in Ingolstadt this morning along with the 60 brethren of the German Bishops Conference, gathered in its plenary assembly since yesterday, spoke of the debate that in Germany has extensively been dealt with in the last few weeks by theologians and bishops, as well as newspapers such as Bild and Frankfurter Allgemeine, as to the fact whether the translation of the “Lord’s Prayer” may convey a deceptive image of God. Anyway, Card. Woelki called everyone to “be grateful for this prayer in our Father, with which we can ask God that, when temptations arrive, He will not let us fall as he did with Jesus, but that He may give us the strength to stand up”. Temptation may be defeated “if we can live on conversion”. If God is not at the centre, “we slip into selfishness, even as a Church”. After quoting the French theologian Cardinal Henri de Lubac, Woelki urged “not to be seduced by the longing for power and by the fight for power, not to be tempted by the will to shine in this world”, but, in these days of Lent, “to go back to God to anchor our personal and ecclesial life into Him and Him alone”.


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