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EU-Serbia: Janijic (political analyst), “I don’t think Belgrade will be ready for accession in 2025”

“The president of the European Commission, Juncker, thinks 2025 could possibly be a date for Serbia’s accession to the EU”, as stated in Strasbourg last week, “but I don’t think we will be ready by then”: this was said to SIR by Dusan Janijic, political analyst of the Forum for interethnic relationships and founder of the European Movement in Belgrade. Looking at relationships between Belgrade and Brussels, as well as between Serbia and the neighbouring Balkan countries, Janijic lists a few problems in the European process of his country. “The European Union – he states – is indebted to the Western Balkan countries, because in the last five years the European States have not had one single position on accession, and the Balkans have not only been left aside, it seemed no one in the West cared for what happened in that region”. Janijic explains that “thorny issues are still outstanding in Kosovo and in Bosnia Herzegovina; divisions”, after the wars of the Nineties, “have not been overcome, corruption is rampant, and all this is happening in front of the European leaders, who fail to find proper ways to help such societies”. “Because of this – the expert states –, ordinary people see a gap between the values of the EU and the actual accomplishment of the European policies”. Janjic, however, deeply believes that the future of Serbia is in the EU; this opinion is shared by 52% of Serbians, as proven by the latest survey conducted by the Ministry of European Integration.

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