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EU: Multiannual Financial Framework, the EU Commission’s plans. Juncker, “translating our future into figures”

Bruxelles, 14 febbraio: conferenza stampa di Jean-Claude Juncker

(Brussels) “Budgets are not mere exercises in accounting: they reflect our priorities and our ambitions. They translate our future into figures. So, first of all, we speak of the Europe we want. Then, the member states must support their ambitions with adequate financial resources”. With these words, Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, presents the plans that have been put forward by the Brussels’ executive today “for a new, modern long-term EU budget that may effectively accomplish the European Union’s priorities after 2020”. Basically, the discussion is about the MFF, the Multiannual Financial Framework, in other words the accounting frame within which the EU policies must be set, in 2020-2027. A key step, that of the MFF, which the yearly EU budgets, and all the relevant investments and expenses, are based upon. “While, on one hand, we all must realise that for this forthcoming discussion the status quo is not the solution – Juncker adds –, on the other hand, I firmly believe that we can make things add up and agree upon a budget that benefits everyone”. The MFF will be submitted by the EU Commission in early May, then it will go through the EU Parliament and the EU Council, the European Union’s two budgeting authorities. Today’s plan has been adopted in the run-up to the informal meeting of the heads of state and government due on February 23rd, which will also deal with such issue.

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