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EU: EU Commission, “a more efficient Union”. Spitzenkandidaten, transnational election rolls, dialogue with citizens

(Brussels) Yes to “Spitzenkandidaten” (top nominees), yes to transnational rolls for the election to the European Parliament, yes to a joint reflection on the future membership of the EU Commission, yes to a dual-mandate president of the EU Commission and of the EU Council. And more dialogue with the citizens. Jean-Claude Juncker lists a number of practical initiatives “aimed at making the European Union’s efforts more effective and improving connections between the leaders of the EU institutions and the citizens”, in the run-up to the informal meeting of the EU leaders, due on February 23rd. It is the “Europe of results”, the one the head of the EU Executive has on his mind, as he shares his proposals with the council of Commissioners. Juncker explains: “With the Bratislava Roadmap, the Rome Declaration and now the leaders’ agenda, Europe has rightly endeavoured to create a European Union that can deliver effective, tangible results for its citizens, in the areas they have most at heart. And it must go on this way”. He adds: “I have always claimed that form must be conditional on function, and this is not the time for long discussions on institutional reforms or changes to the treaty. There is, however, a number of initiatives we can take to make our efforts even more effective. There are a few options, but all of them must be directed to one and the same target: creating a Europe of results”. Such initiatives are submitted to the president of the European Council, Tusk, who will discuss them at next week’s summit.

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