USA: Bishops,, an app to support marriage


(From New York) To coincide with the “National Marriage Week”, opened on February 7th and ending on Valentine’s Day, the US Bishops Conference launched a website,, that is also available as an app for smartphones. “I hope this new platform may reach out to many more people and may be a source of support for husbands and wives throughout their vocational journey, to discover God’s plan for their marriage”, the archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles J. Chaput, president of the Committee for lay people, marriage, family and youth, wishes. is split into sections about engagement, marriage preparation, mixed marriage, as well as parenthood and natural family planning. There’s no shortage of pages about marital crisis, annulment, domestic violence, support and raising of children. A section is about the lessons of the Pope and the Church, as well as questions and answers that dispel many myths about the doctrine of marriage. Then, the website has a space that is open to all those couples who want to share their experiences throughout their call to marriage, from their engagement to their first steps into marriage, through to the seasons of the oldest couples and those who are most loyal to the Sacrament. In addition, the app provides insights for people in charge of marriage preparation courses and for family groups who meet regularly.


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