Pope Francis: to young people, “Do not be afraid to meet migrants” also on social media. “Thanks” to parishes for their hospitality

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“Do not be afraid to meet migrants, let them enter your hearts”. This is the advice Pope Francis gave to young people, as he answered their questions during today’s audience with the participants in the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. “The encounter with others naturally leads to a change, but we must not be afraid of this change. It will always be for the better”, Pope Francis assured: “The Church must promote and create spaces for encounter, and for this reason, I asked parishes to become open to the reception” of migrants, the Pope explained: “We need to acknowledge their great commitment in response to my appeal, thank you! I urge you who are here today to work to promote openness to others, especially those who are wounded in their own dignity. Be promoters of initiatives that your parishes can host. Help the Church in the creation of spaces where to share experiences and integrate faith and life”. “Even the social media are, above all for children, an opportunity for meeting that may appear boundless”, the Pope admitted. “You can use the Internet for good things or you can use it for pornography”, he continued off the cuff: “The choice is in your heart. If you choose evil, be careful, the result will be very bad. Your heart will become liquid, carried by the air and by the wind, inconsistent. The communicative environment can help us to grow or, conversely, it can disorient us”.

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