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The Netherlands: 400 children risk deportation. Churches mobilise for “Kinderpardon”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

The Council of Churches in the Netherlands has mobilised to support the cause of approximately 400 children without a residence permit who have been living on the national territory for over five years and now risk repatriation. These little ones “live in great uncertainty and in fear of” being deported and taken “to a country they do not know”, which would seriously impact their development. Despite the introduction of the “Kinderpardon” in 2013, a sort of amnesty for children who have been in the country for over five years, “it seems that almost all applications are rejected in practice”. Thus the Council of Churches specifically requested political leaders to “stop the deportations and regulate the right of residence for children who have been in the Netherlands for five years or more”, and called on communities and churches to support this request with prayer, asking local authorities of the municipality of residence to become a “kinderpardon gemeente”, that is, a community where such amnesty is applied, or, if the situation in the municipality is sensitive, to urge the mayor and town council members to put pressure on the Government in The Hague so that the relevant regulation is applied. The Council of Churches has issued some postcards to promote this campaign. While this initiative is taking place, the Tamrazyan family from Armenia – mother, father and three children – are still inside the Bethel church in which they took refuge on 26 October to escape deportation.

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