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Holy Land: Mgr. Pizzaballa in Gaza, “Christmas is a time that strengthens our faith to do fruitful things that did not exist before”

“We know very well that you are not able to visit Bethlehem with us, so we have come here today to celebrate Christmas with you”, said the Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Mgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, as he greeted the small Catholic community in Gaza who had gathered at the Holy Family Parish last Sunday to celebrate Christmas. Concelebrating with Mgr. Pizzaballa were his Vicar for Jerusalem and Palestine, Mgr. Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, some priests from the Latin Patriarchate, and Fr. Mario Da Silva, a religious from the Institute of the Incarnate Word and priest of the local parish. “During Advent – Mgr. Pizzaballa said – we always hear comforting words about peace and joy that we cannot see in our reality”. According to the Apostolic Administrator, “in order to see these words alive, we have to have faith because everything good and fruitful that we see today is the result of the faith of simple people who carried out simple acts and believed in God’s Will”. “Christmas – he concluded – is a time that strengthens our faith to do fruitful things that did not exist before”.



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