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Brexit: mgr. Treanor (Ireland), “a tragedy that will weigh on the population. Good Friday Agreement at risk”

Mons. Noel Treanor

“A tragedy that will weigh on the economic development of Ireland and Northern Ireland, and that could endanger the 1998 Good Friday Agreement too”. Mgr. Noel Treanor, bishop of Down and Connor (Ireland), a Catholic diocese of Ireland spilling into Northern Ireland, does not mince his words when he comments, for SIR, the “Brexit” file, which sees the EU opposed to the the United Kingdom that decided to leave the member states after the 2016 referendum. “Brexit – mgr. Treanor says – will have a deep impact on the economic, political and social life of Northern Irish citizens. The economies of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have been totally integrated, especially in the last 20 years, since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and between the latter and Northern Ireland”. The bishop is particularly anxious about the potential reinstatement of the border between Dublin and Belfast, which might reopen old wounds and about “a potential paramilitary response from some dissident groups, with highly negative consequences on the process of reconciliation, pacification and stabilisation of Northern Irish society, which has made huge progress in the last 20 years, partly with the help of Europe. It might have to be started all over again”. According to mgr. Treanor, there is still some hope that answers the name of Michel Barnier. “I think the plan has been started now, and it’s a tragedy. I don’t think Brexit will not happen, as many do. I only hope the EU’s head negotiator may find a sustainable solution with the United Kingdom. I also confide in the two countries’ society and citizens being willing to walk together”.

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