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Mexico: Bishops, “let us open our hearts to the populations affected by bad weather and to Central American migrants”

Through its Secretary-General Alfredo Gerardo Miranda Guardiola, the Mexican Bishops’ Conference (CEM) has made an appeal to show solidarity with both the populations affected by adverse weather conditions and with the Central American migrants who are crossing the country. “Dear brothers and sisters, our country is faced with different emergencies. Some have to do with the damage caused by bad weather, namely by hurricanes, as is the case with the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Morelia, Nayarit, and Veracruz”. These events “have hit many families, many people. We cannot close our hearts and refuse to help them”. At the same time, Mgr. Miranda continued, “our country is faced with another humanitarian crisis: that of our Central American brothers, who have fled their homeland to escape insecurity and lack of opportunities, in search for better living conditions for their families. Vulnerable children, women and adults are crossing our country. In this case, too, we cannot close our eyes, our hands, our hearts. Let us help them as much as we can”.

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