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Asia Bibi: Mgr. Schick (Bamberg), “hope in the development of the rule of law. The laws cannot call people to hate minorities”

“The Supreme Court proved to be brave and did not let itself be intimidated by tensions in public opinion in Pakistan. This gives hope in a further development of the rule of law”. This was written in a statement by the president of the Universal Church commission of the German Bishops’ Conference, mgr. Ludwig Schick, Bishop of Bamberg, who said words of satisfaction a few days after the ruling of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, which acquitted Asia Bibi of blasphemy. The decision “is extremely important for those who defend the right to freedom of religion and work for relationships between Christians and Muslims”, the Bishop wrote about the case, which “risked causing hardly reparable damages”. “Supported by the Catholic Church, for years the Churches in Pakistan have supported the repeal or the dramatic reorganisation of the country’s current blasphemy laws”, because “it can’t be that laws call people to hate minorities, permit private revenge, and destroy religious peace”, the Bishop wrote. The fact that, “right now, radical forces are exploiting this opportunity to stir up riots in the streets of Pakistan” shows “how far Pakistani society is still from achieving internal balance”. “I hope and I pray”, mgr. Schick ends, that “the entire country, and above all the small group of brave Christians who live there, may survive this storm unharmed”.

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