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Primo Mazzolari: Guy Coq (Amis d’Emmanuel Mounier), Mounier’s thought has “inspired the journey” of the parish priest of Bozzolo

Guy Coq

There are “six important themes in Emmanuel Mounier’s” philosophy that “I think have inspired the journey of Primo Mazzolari”: Guy Coq, honorary president of the Association “Amis d’Emmanuel Mounier” took the floor at the international congress on the “message and action of peace of Fr. Primo Mazzolari” that is being held in Paris. He recalled some developments in the thinking of Mounier, a French philosopher contemporary of Fr. Primo Mazzolari. “The development of Mounier’s thought coincides with the 1929 crisis”, Coq began, calling Mounier “a thinker of the crisis” of his time, both economic and anthropological; inspired by the experience of the crisis, Mounier defined the person as a being in relation to itself, to others and to the transcendent, “in contrast with an individualism grounded in an impoverished vision of the human being”. Which implies the “need for a community”: “a person is truly a person only if s/he participates in a community”. The fourth element in Mounier’s thought is “commitment”, which may take on different forms – human, ethical, political, spiritual – that are always “independent of one another”. Finally, Coq stressed the “importance of the ethical question” in Mounier’s thinking and the French philosopher’s reflections on Christianity, which “is not permanently linked to a civilization”, but “reaches out to human beings everywhere and every time they try to build the best possible humanity”.

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