Primo Mazzolari: Fr. Bignami (Foundation), he goes “beyond the ‘just war’ theory”, seeing “fraternity as the meaning of human life”

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

“Fr. Primo Mazzolari is a son of his times. Also as regards his reflection on peace, has was influenced by the Church’s teachings before Vatican Council II. His studies at the Seminary in Cremona inserted him into the theological tradition that was making use of the theory of the ‘just war’”; “the underlying idea was to limit the use of war as a means of solving disputes as much as possible. Fr. Mazzolari learned that principle, but found it inadequate to the demands of the Gospel message. He therefore gradually changed his position, moving from an interventionist approach, on the eve of the Great War, to a more radical approach of opposition to the conflict. In 1955, he would write about his pro-Resistance stance: ‘I could not have done otherwise with the Gospel and the experience of war in front of me’”. Fr. Bruno Bignami from the Diocese of Cremona, Postulator of the cause for the beatification of Fr. Mazzolari and president of the Mazzolari Foundation in Bozzolo, Italy, said this at the conference that is being held at UNESCO on the figure of the pacifist priest. Fr. Bignami explored “the key points of Fr. Mazzolari’s reflection” in the war-peace debate. “In his journey – he said -, we can identify three conversions that have led him to pacifism: fraternity as the meaning of human life; dialogue as a form of sharing life experiences; and humanity as a paradigm for credibility”.

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