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Pax Christi: take part in World Giving Day #GivingTuesday

Today is World Giving Day, #GivingTuesday: in 150 countries around the world, non-profit organisations of any kind come together to encourage people to financially support their work. Pax Christi International too is taking part in this campaign along with its member 120 organisations around the world. “We are working for peace through the transformative power of nonviolence”, says a message, which calls people to “invest in our work” on this special day and help us “show the world how nonviolence is the key to promoting and sustaining peace”. “Around the world, we try to show ‘what nonviolence looks like’ in creative, deep ways”, the message goes on. That’s why today “your gift and investment” become a way to “promote nonviolence” and to be “gifts of peace for a world that needs it so much”.

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