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+++ COMECE: document from EU bishops “Shaping the future of work”. 17 policy recommendations +++

(Brussels) The paper from COMECE on work and employment, presented in Brussels today, includes 17 “policy recommendations” to build a world of work inspired by the following goals: “making sustainability a guiding principle of private investment; strengthening the involvement of social partners, civil society and Churches in the European Semester (the EU political instrument for economic convergence); reinvigorating social dialogue at all levels; adapting social dialogue to the post-factory environment”. And also “supporting workers in the transition
towards the new labour world (for instance, by turning the Globalisation Adjustment Fund into a European Transition Fund); developing tailor-made programmes to curb long-term unemployment; promoting tax justice between labour and capital” with a view to achieving fairer taxation of the digital economy by introducing a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base or an EU-wide financial transaction tax that will help to lower market volatility, curb excessive speculation, and finally will help restoring tax justice.

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