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Spain: Bishops of Andalusia, “responsibly” taking part in the election on December 2nd

A call to “responsibly take part”, as every citizen has a duty to do, in the pursuit of the common good. Although “no political option encapsulates the experience of the Church or the fullness of the social doctrine, in its programmes”. This has been written in a notice by the bishops of Andalusia’s dioceses, in the run-up to the election that will be held in the independent community of Andalusia on December 2nd, to renew the Parliament of the southernmost region of continental Spain. “Discernment will have to be made as to which programme comes closer” to social doctrine and, from such perspective, “in doing our duty as shepherds of God’s people, we provide such guidance to those who wish to discern and give themselves some criteria in the light of the doctrine of the Church”.

Therefore, the bishops list six criteria, which should be met. The first one is “the inviolable right to human life”, from its conception to its natural end, by saying a clear no to abortion and euthanasia; secondly, “the acknowledgement, promotion and support of traditional families” as the union of a man and a woman, based on marriage; then, “the protection of the parents’ right to raise their children according to their moral and religious beliefs, as established by the Constitution”; “the defence and support of the weaker social groups”, especially older and unemployed people or people who do not have a dignified job, young people and migrants, giving priority to creating new jobs and laws that are respectful of migrants, though “by responsibly adhering to the entry or social inclusion procedures”; the building of “a fairer, more peaceful social life”; lastly, the awareness that only by acting “smartly, freely and responsibly in the pursuit of the common good” can a better society be built. In addition, the bishops urge the citizens to steer clear of “those political groups managed by people who let themselves be carried away by populism and demagoguery about our history”. “It is the human and social value of reconciliation, dialogue and friendship among people that should be promoted”, instead.

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