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Blessed Martyrs of Tibhirine: Card. Becciu, “they had only chosen to love, theirs is a ‘martyrdom of love’”

A “martyrdom of love”, because “their love, far from being ‘disincarnate’, found concrete expression in the respectful relations lived every day with their Monastery’s neighbours – the Muslims”. Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, wrote this in the preface to the book “Semplicemente cristiani. La vita e il messaggio dei beati martiri di Tibhirine” (“Simply Christians. The life and message of the Blessed Martyrs of Tibhirine”) edited by the Vatican Publishing House (LEV), which will be presented in the Vatican’s Palazzo Pio today .The text is written by journalist François Vayne and by Father Thomas Georgeon, Postulator of the cause for beatification of the Algerian martyrs. “Every chapter focuses on one of the seven figures, helping us to gain deeper insight into several themes that illustrate various aspects of the same spiritual reality: Christian, Christophe, Luc, Michel, Célestin, Paul and Bruno had not chosen to be martyrs, they had only chosen to love!”, the prelate remarked. Card. Becciu also spoke of a “daily martyrdom of fraternity and solidarity, especially at that time of violence”. The Cardinal considered the “power of the message of Tibhirine for the Church today”, explaining that it “lies in the invitation to place the spiritual dimension at the centre of every social and family action”. Finally, the prefect of the Vatican Congregation stressed “the legacy of these brother monks”: “This ‘making’ inner life ‘fruitful’ in all its dimensions”.

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