US: Bishops’ Assembly on abuse crisis starting today

(Washington) The sexual abuse crisis involving members of the clergy will be one of the main points for discussion at the General Assembly of the US Catholic Bishops starting in Baltimore today. It is one of the most pressing challenges that the Church in America is facing following the accusations that have been made in many dioceses throughout the country against bishops who are allegedly responsible for covering up these crimes, especially after the opening of a federal investigation into the matter. The Assembly today will begin with an address by the Apostolic Nuncio, which will be followed by an address by the President of the Bishops’ Conference Daniel DiNardo. The rest of the day will be dedicated to prayer and meditation, before the bishops will debate, listen to reports and vote on documents tomorrow. The retreat, divided into three sessions, is entitled “Looking at the problem and the harm that has been done”. It will feature spiritual readings from the book of Daniel and the writings of St. Gregory of Nazianzus and St. Charles Borromeo; Eucharistic adoration; the recitation of the Rosary; quiet prayer; confessions; and testimonies from lay and religious people. The first speaker will be Teresa Pitt Green, a laywoman whose association accompanies abuse survivors, who will unveil the secret of accompaniment. She will be followed by Christina Lamas, Associate Director and Coordinator of Youth Ministry for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, who will talk about what the faithful need from their bishops. Finally, Teresa Maya, President of the Conference of Women Religious, will take the floor on the theme: “The bishop as minister of healing”. The Assembly will end with a Mass.

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