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Sacharov Prize: finalists include Oleg Sentsov, 11 NGOs for migrants, and Nasser Zefzafi

Oleg Sentsov, a Crimea-born Ukrainian filmmaker, sentenced to 20 years in prison in Russia, accused of being a terrorist and having plotted against Crimea’s government; eleven NGOs that protect human rights and save migrants’ lives across the Mediterranean Sea; Nasser Zefzafi, leader of mass protest movement Hirak, fighting corruption, oppression and abuse of power in the region of Rif, Morocco: these are the finalists of the “Sacharov Award for freedom of thought”, which the European Parliament awards every year to “people and organisations that defend human rights and fundamental freedoms”. The president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, along with the political leaders, will select a winner on October 25th. A few days ago, Sentsov announced he had stopped the hunger strike he had started last May to avoid forced feeding: he protests against his detention and that of another 64 Ukrainian “political prisoners”. Zefravi was arrested in May 2017 and sentenced to 20 years in prison for “conspiring against the state”. He is on a hunger strike too. The list of NGOs includes: Boat Refugee Foundation, Jugend Rettet, Lifeline Rescue Boat, Médecins Sans Frontières International, Moas, Proactiva Open Arms, Proem-Aid, Save the Children, Sea Eye, Sea Watch and Sos Mediterranée. Last year’s award had been given to democratic opposition in Venezuela.

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