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European Parliament: tomorrow, first hearing for young people to voice their ideas for Europe

The first hearing within the European Parliament’s commissions, when young people will have to voice their ideas and proposals about Europe, will be held tomorrow. The discussions for the European Youth Event (Eye), which brought 8 thousand young people to Strasbourg in early June, have resulted in one hundred ideas about a lot of issues, which were submitted to the MEPs on September 20th. Now, starting with the Culture and Education Commission, the young will personally propose their ideas to the parliamentary committees concerned. “Such consultations are part of the broader debate on the future of Europe, held monthly by MEPs and European heads of state at their plenary meetings”, a EU source explains. The hearings, already planned to take place between October 10th and November 27th, will have their highlight in a special event, the “Youth Parliament” in Brussels on November 19th, when the best ideas will be further investigated, implemented and then submitted to the president of the European Parliament, in the run-up to December’s European Council.

This unusual parliamentary meeting will bring in 600 to 800 students aged 16 to 26, coming from different backgrounds, regions and approaches: “Just eight months before the European election, these hearings are essential to listen to young Europeans’ voices and implement their ideas on how to improve the European Union”. The hearings can be followed live on the Facebook page of the Eye event and a social debate will be open at #EYE2018.

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