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Abuse in the US: Card. DiNardo, Pope’s invitation “diligently accepted by all the bishops”

(From New York) The US bishops welcome the statement from the Holy See announcing a further investigation into the case of Archbishop McCarrick, who was accused of covering up abuse and resigned from the College of Cardinals last July. The President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Card. Daniel DiNardo, praised the “additional steps Pope Francis is taking to ensure the faithful are protected from the evil of sexual assault”, and assured that the Pope’s invitation to unite forces to combat this scourge within the Church “has been and will continue to be diligently accepted by the bishops of the United States”. Card. DiNardo expressed the hope that the unconditional search for truth may ensure that the sins of the past are not repeated. May “the courage of abuse survivors who first brought the horrific truth of sexual abuse to light” continue “to be matched by our courage as pastors to respond in justice”. In his statement, the president of the bishops also offered prayers, solidarity and the communion of the US clergy with Pope Francis who is “the visible guarantor of the communion of the Catholic Church” and a pastor on “the path of healing”, to which, according to Card. DiNardo, we are all called, not just the victims.

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