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EU-Churches: Brussels, meeting between institutions and religious communities. Timmermans, “democracy and equality” are shared values

(Brussels) “Europe is home to people of many faiths, and every European has the right to practice his or her faith in peace and security”. European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said this today as he welcomed to the Berlaymont Palace in Brussels representatives from the main Churches and religious organisations in Europe. Attending the meeting – which was the 14th official one between the European Union and the Church held in accordance with Article 17 of the EU Treaty – were representatives from Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other religions. The focus of the meeting was on “The Future of Europe: addressing challenges through concrete actions”. Timmermans, who was entrusted by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker with the task of maintaining relations with the Churches, said: “Ahead of next year’s European elections, I reassured the participants in today’s meeting that the European Commission will continue to stand up and speak up against any discrimination or attacks that their communities might face”. And he went on to say: “Every European citizen will have a chance to shape our common future at the ballot box next year, and I invited the participants in today’s meeting to engage actively in the political process and to encourage their communities to do so as well. While we may worship in different ways, our values are universal, including our commitment to democracy and equality”. Representing the Catholic Church were COMECE First Vice-President Mgr. Mariano Crociata and the president of the COMECE Social Affairs Commission Mgr. Antoine Herouard.

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