+++ Pope Francis: to SIR news agency, “be the voice of those who have no voice” and “continue to put all the peripheries in the media spotlight” +++

“Continue to exercise your profession by always showing concern for the truth. This is the most effective antidote to falsehood”, Pope Francis told SIR news agency, to mark the 30th anniversary of its foundation. “I encourage you to always continue on the path of innovation, without losing your focus on all territories: Italian, European, Middle-Eastern, and international… A territory is not just about mere geographical boundaries, it is something more: it indicates the existence of the people who inhabit it. In the wake of the diocesan weeklies – Pope Francis wrote in his message – be the voice of those who have no voice. Continue to put all the peripheries in the media spotlight. Show commitment when communicating the stories you report. Be ever more passionate about the truth. Be guardians of the news”.

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