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Synod 2018: card. Bassetti, “enough with clichés, young people need to be taken care of”

“We are living a tragic contradiction in which we talk a lot about young people but we do it in a bewilderingly shallow way. We are surrounded by a clichéd narrative”. This was written by the president of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), card. Gualtiero Bassetti, in his letter for the November issue of “Vita pastorale”, of which he gave a preview to Sir. The cardinal believes that, “in our country, social time is not at a pace with our young people”. The consequence mentioned by card. Bassetti is that “our young people are experiencing double poverty”. “On one hand, we are facing existential poverty; on the other hand, we are challenged by social poverty, which means living in a humiliating economic poverty”. As the “central role of the Synod”, for the cardinal it consists in responding to the “fleeting light-heartedness with which we refer to the young generations”, in other words in the “wise concern of a Church that is a real mother to its children”. Mentioning Don Milani’s “I care”, the president of CEI claims that “we care for these young people”. “That’s why we must firmly say: dear boy, I care for your future. And I care so much that I work hard for you. I work to make you grow in faith and love; to help you become a man or a woman; to find how to raise you in a way that meets your interests. And I work to acknowledge a work ethic that defends your dignity as a human being”.

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