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Migrants from Honduras: Mgr. Mondragón (Human Mobility in Mexico), “a reception centre in every parish”

The reception of the Honduran caravan is totally in the hands of the Church. And it is above all poor people who help other poor people”, Bishop Guillermo Ortiz Mondragón of Cuautitlán, responsible for human mobility within the social pastoral care of the Mexican Bishops’ Conference, told SIR news agency.
So far, the first 6 to 7 thousand migrants have walked a hundred kilometres into the Mexican State, after crossing Guatemala. The attention of the Church, operationally coordinated by Father Arturo Montelongo, executive secretary of human mobility, is mainly focused on two actions: “to welcome” and “to protect”. Mgr. Mondragón explained: “Throughout our territory, we are trying to collect essential items: food, water, blankets, medicines, footwear, backpacks. We have prepared some ‘departure kits’. And off course, we have tried to enhance Migrant Homes and reception centres, but at this time, every parish needs to be transformed into a reception centre. It is not only the dioceses that the caravan will cross that have been mobilised. For example, we are collecting food also in my diocese of Cuautitlán”.
The next step is to accompany and “protect” these people. Right now, parish priests, men and women religious and pastoral workers are literally escorting migrants along the roads of Chiapas. “We are concerned”, the bishop explained, and we hope that the “Government will monitor the situation and guarantee security”. Indeed, the Church is in close contact with government authorities.
Also, Mgr. Mondragón is already thinking ahead to the time when migrants will arrive at the US border; surely they will not be welcomed by Trump with open arms: “We will see what routes they will follow. There are three main routes: an eastern route through the state of Tamaulipas, a central route and a western route, towards California. As regards their arrival, we very much count on the constant collaboration of Mexican and US bishops at the border. For years, the bishops have been holding meetings, trying to find channels to speak with US Congress members… In short, they create important opportunities for dialogue”.
The bishop concluded with a reflection: “We should look at what is happening with the eyes of the faith, for this universal phenomenon is a sign of the times. God calls us”.

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