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EU: Erasmus+, 3 billion for education, youth and universities in 2019. Call for proposals launched

(Brussels) Three billion euros for 2019 to be invested in young Europeans and the creation of “European Universities”: the Commission has published its call for proposals for the Erasmus+ Programme today. “From an expected budget of €3 billion for next year, €30 million has been set aside for dedicated European Universities. This – the European Commission explains – is a new initiative that was endorsed by European Union leaders at the Gothenburg Social Summit last November, and part of the push towards establishing a European Education Area by 2025”. Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, said: “We are working towards a Europe where learning, studying and carrying out research are not blocked by borders. No walls hampering excellence, innovation and inclusiveness in education. European Universities have a real potential to transform the higher education landscape in Europe, and I am proud that we are giving them a strong push through the Erasmus+ programme”. “Any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport” is invited to submit proposals under the Erasmus+ programme; groups of young people who are active in youth work may also apply for funding. The new Erasmus+ Programme Guide, with detailed information, is available on line in all official EU languages at

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