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Synod 2018: Mgr. Pezzi (Moscow), “we need platforms where young people can meet Christ”

The website of the Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow posts regular updates of the “Synod Diary” by Mgr. Paolo Pezzi, Archbishop of Moscow and delegate of the Bishops of the Russian Federation. “I have learned many new important things from meeting with young people. The importance of spiritual simplicity: in our discussions at the Synod, we often refer to this important dimension – humility”, he wrote, for instance, on 18 October, in the sixth chapter of his Diary. Concerning the expression “youth language”, which was given much attention during the Synod, Mgr. Pezzi said: “I am not saying that we should speak their slang, but we must find spaces for encounter, which is why we should really listen to young people”. More broadly, “it means that we should bridge the distance between us – adults, people devoted to God – and young people, without paternalism, clericalism, and hypocrisy. We need platforms where young people can have a chance to encounter Christ and one another, platforms for dialogue and debate”. And he asked himself: “Can our parishes be these platforms?”. At the end of the second week, he wrote: “I think that neither pastoral plans, nor a code of conduct, nor advertising or the transmission of a ‘sound’ doctrine can give rise to a genuine renewal of the Church. Yes, all these things are necessary and important, but we need to understand that these instruments are in the hands of free people on a journey, people who bring about their renewal”.

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