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Council of Europe: this week privacy and data protection, democracy in Russia, cultural heritage

Strasburgo: la sede del Consiglio d'Europa

(Strasbourg) An International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners will take place in Brussels this week (22-26 October) on “Debating Ethics: Dignity and Respect in Data Driven Life”. Apple CEO Tim Cook will participate as a guest. The Council of Europe, too, takes part in the programme with a side event on the newly-updated convention on data protection (Convention 108+). Also this week, a delegation from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the CoE will carry out a monitoring visit to Russia to examine the situation of local and regional democracy in the light of the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, ratified by the country in 1998. Taking place in Strasbourg then is the “Consultation Education 2030”, organized by UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Commission. It will be a regional opportunity to assess, among others, the national strategies for inclusion and equality in education pathways. The results will serve as an input for the Global Education Meeting in Brussels (3-5 December 2018). The results of the joint Council of Europe/EU projects in Azerbaijan conducted from 2015 to 2018 under the Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) programme will be discussed with international partners and national authorities in Baku on 25 October. Also this week, the International Heritage Show will take place in Paris (25-28 October): the Council of Europe will be present with two events celebrating 31 years of cultural routes.

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