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Serbia: Caritas campaign in national media and schools for reducing natural disaster risks

A campaign is going on in Serbia, in national media, to raise awareness about reduction of natural disaster risks. The campaign was launched by Caritas Serbia. Posters, visual aids and colour books were distributed in hundreds of classes, from primary schools on, with training instructions in case of earthquake, flood, fire or the like. It is a long-term process started in this Balkan country after the great floods of 2014 and 2015. Since then, Caritas Serbia has made over 100 workshops in over 60 schools all over the country. The target of Caritas’s programme is explaining natural disasters and defence of the environment, emphasizing preparation and prevention. Apart from education of youth – one of the groups running higher risks – Caritas Serbia set up over 30 round tables and courses for adults all over the country, meant for volunteers, families and communities in rural areas, as well as disabled, to whom a special manual has been dedicated. Together with the process of reconstruction after the great floods, Caritas committed itself to planting trees, cleaning channels, removing illegal houses, in collaboration with local communities. For its work, this charity organisation received a special award from State authorities. The project about natural disaster risk reduction was much appreciated by other Balkan countries, too.

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