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Macedonia: referendum fails, comments. “The country may reach a dead end”. EU and NATO open their doors

The Macedonian media show the results of the referendum about the name by telling about the politicians’ first reactions. The newspaper “Vecer” mentions the Nationalist opposition of the Vmro-Dpmne party: “The Treaty with Greece has been defeated, the result is clear, so let Zaev abide by it”, while the news agency “Makfax” quotes the words of Prime Minister Zaev, the author of the question, who thinks “a pro-European Macedonia received more votes than any other election in the country”. The local media also mention the international comments, such as those of the General Secretary of NATO, Jans Stoltengberg: “NATO’s doors are still open but the procedure needs to be completed”, and the statement of European Commissioner for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, who congratulates those who voted at the referendum. “The substantial support given to votes ‘for’ show that there’s wide consensus about the Treaty of Prespa, as well as about the country’s Euro-Atlantic journey”. “I expect all political leaders to abide by such decisions and implement them cooperatively and responsibly, beyond any difference between the parties, in the country’s interest”. There are still few comments about the failed referendum on the Macedonian media; the potential scenarios of the early election announced by Prime Minister Zaev are described. “Macedonia will reach a dead end if it wants to join the Treaty with Greece”, says the newspaper “Republic”, explaining that a new government could be appointed by the end of January 2019.

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