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EU: young people put forward their ideas for the future of Europe. Navracsics (Commission), “a first step”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

(Brussels) “Seeing young people so engaged, and hearing their refreshing ideas fills me with optimism about Europe’s future. I will study the recommendations from the ‘New Narrative for Europe’ with utmost attention. But this is not the end of the process – young people must be at the heart of the debate on the future of Europe, and that is why I would like these reflections to continue”. The Commissioner for Education, Culture and Youth, Tibor Navracsics, said this as he met in Brussels today with some 100 young people from across Europe who presented their ideas on how to give a future to Europe, following discussions in the context of the “New Narrative for Europe” initiative. These recommendations come alongside the results of a new Eurobarometer survey, which shows that “youth participation in voluntary activities, organisations and elections has increased over the past years”. The closing event of the “New Narrative for Europe” initiative brings together the results of discussions “young people held over the last two years. The project – a statement from the Commission reads – reached as many as 62,000 young people through a series of debates taking place Europe-wide. As a result, young people put forward twelve concrete ideas for Europe’s future” on topics such as education, solidarity, politics, an inclusive society, and work. More information at:

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