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Comece: Christian heritage of Europe. Mgr. Tighe (Holy See), “our stones, our music and our art still speak to the human heart”

foto Comece

(From our correspondent in Brussels) For the Church, the European Year of Cultural Heritage chosen by the European Union for 2018 “is a moment that makes us share what we have, an outstanding heritage, full of monuments and works of art, which is important historically, culturally and artistically but also for our lives. Our stones, our traditions, our music, our art can still speak to the human heart, they can still touch our souls”. This was said by mgr. Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture, as he spoke today at the Conference on the “Christian heritage of Europe”, promoted by Comece. It is an “outstanding heritage”, mgr. Tighe explains to SIR, that is called however to become a “place of socialisation, a place open to dialogue between believers and non-believers, to find out together what makes life worth living, how we can live together in our lands and build an inclusive society for everyone”. Then, at a time of “religious illiteracy”, especially among young people, the cultural heritage of the Churches enables us to “provide an explanation for what we believe in and why it has inspired so much art, and we don’t do that to proselytise but to enrich, to share our history with other people”.

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