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Belgium: Caritas, three-year project “to inform policymakers and citizens of existing link between migration and development”

The three-year project launched by Caritas Belgium along with eleven other European national Caritas organisations is called MIND – the acronym for “migration, interconnectedness and development”. Its goal is to inform “policymakers and citizens of the existing link between migration and development”. “We will try to refine existing opinions and engage more actively with the different actors of society: the general public, policymakers and other development actors”, said Tom Devriendt, from Caritas Internationalis, who will run the project. “Reliable information and civic and political involvement are crucial if we want our society to take the road of sustainable development”. The idea is to “collect stories that illustrate the links between migration and development patterns, to show how migration and migrants can contribute to human and economic development, and to analyse what the existing political structures teach us and how they influence reality and its perception”, the website of Caritas Belgium reads. “Is there a difference between migration and development? Are there misunderstandings about these phenomena? If so, can we clarify them? And what is the role of the EU and its Member States in this? Do they always make informed decisions?”, Tom Devriendt wrote. Indeed, migration policies and development influence each other and Caritas wants to “enhance its policies in these areas and make them more coherent”. The work will be done online, and for three years Caritas organisations have pledged to disseminate news, analyses and “many stories”.

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