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Russia: youth at the centre of attention for the Catholic Centre. A national meting in Baykalsk next July

“For 25 years, we have been living in a climate of religious freedom, but what happens is that the people who used to be in youth groups are adults with children now, but they still stay in youth groups. This must be taken care of, and maybe sometimes one should trace a clear boundary between the ages to give young people a chance to be young. After all, there are many other groups in the Church that have been made for adult devotees”. This story comes from Moscow, where a meeting was held on January 19th by the Youth Commission of the Russian Bishops Conference, chaired by the bishop of Saratov, Clemens Pickel, who issued a report about the meeting that has been posted on his diocese’s website today. “Another new factor are foreign students and their exchanges with the young Catholics of our dioceses”: this adds “flavour to pastoral care”, and “it is interesting and useful if young people from different countries and cultures can go on a walk of Christian life together”. The Commission spoke of the World Youth Day, which, “by taking place so far from Russia, raises a serious financial problem”. Instead, in summer 2018 (19-22 July), the national meeting of Russian young people will be held in Baykalsk (130 km from Irkustk). “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God” (Lk 1, 30) is the title. Palm Sunday collection will help with the costs of the national meeting. “The most important event in the life of the Church this year will be the session of the Synod” for youth, Pickel went on. Young Russians will be in Rome for an ad limina visit in a few days’ time, and there they will choose their delegates for the Synod. Two young Russians will be in Rome in March for a “preliminary synod”.

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