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EU Commission: Juncker starts a “task force on subsidiarity and proportionality”


(Brussels) The “task force on subsidiarity and proportionality”, established by the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, who appointed 6 of its members today, will start working by the end of this month. It will be chaired by the deputy president of the EU Commission, Frans Timmermans, and it will have to draw up a report for the president by July 15th 2018. “The European Commission must be big on big things and act only where it can achieve better results than the member states when they act alone”, Junker pointed out today. “The new task force on subsidiarity and proportionality will help decide what powers can be exercised better on a national or local level, and will respond better to the expectations of the citizens, who ask us to take care of the concerns that really matter to them”. This line of work had been announced last March by the White Paper on the future of Europe, where it spoke of 5 scenarios and above all of the EU’s need to “do less but better”, in other words by focussing on specific political areas, such as the protection of external borders or common defence, and “delegate or give back” other areas, such as regional development, to the member states. According to Frans Timmermans, the task force “will explore ways in which the EU can really add value more efficiently as well as enable the member states to do themselves all that they can do better”.




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