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Latvia: Translation of document “From Conflict to Communion” into Latvian. Mgr. Stankevics, growing in ecumenism

The Latvian translation of the document “From Conflict to Communion”, jointly issued by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World Federation, was presented in Riga a few days before the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The text was translated by Daiga Vīndedze as part of her degree thesis, and was edited by the publishing company Ihtis. The presentation at the headquarters of the Lutheran Church in Latvia was attended by the “Archbishops of both denominations”, the website of the Catholic Church reports. The Lutheran Archbishop, Janis Vanags, thanked the two world institutions for the “serious and responsible” way in which they approach ecumenical dialogue, for its fruits have positive repercussions also in Latvia, which instead lacks the “theological resources” to pursue it. “We cannot change history, but we can look at it in a different way”, and this document clearly encourages us to do so, Catholic Archbishop Zbigņevs Stankevics stated. “Christ wants His body to be not just mysteriously united, but also concretely united even in diversity”, Mgr. Stankevičs said. “It is necessary to distinguish between the real differences” where to find common ground, and where, “in principle, the truth is the same, although differently expressed. In this context, we should grow, in mutual respect and acceptance”.

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