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EU Parliament: debates on the EU’s future. Irish Prime Minister Varadkar in Strasbourg tomorrow

Il premier irlandese Leo Varadkar

(Strasbourg) “The European peoples want a different Europe, one that can give effective answers to their problems. Since the start of my tenure, exactly one year ago, I have emphasised the importance of bringing Europe closer to its citizens, by putting Parliament, the only directly-elected institution, at the centre of the debates about their future”. This was said by Antonio Tajani, president of the EU assembly, the day before the first debate on the EU’s future, due to take place during the plenary sessions until the 2019 European election. In the Strasbourg premises, tomorrow, the Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, will meet and exchange views with the MEPs. Other Prime Ministers (first those of Croatia, Portugal, Luxembourg and Austria) have already said they will be coming too. “I would like to thank Taoiseach (this is Gaelic for Prime Minister – editor’s note) Varadkar and all the other leaders who have already said they are willing to speak at the plenary sessions for the precious help they will give to the debate. The European Parliament is the beating heart of European democracy and must be at the centre of an open dialogue between MEPs and EU leaders so we can be stronger and keep walking together”.

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