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Comece: conference, “Promoting the Christian heritage of Europe”. EU Commissioner Navracsics is there

Icona raffigurante i patroni d'Europa

(Brussels) “Promoting the Christian heritage of Europe” will be the subject of the Conference of the Commission of EU Bishops Conferences (Comece) in Brussels on January 31st, as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. After the greetings of the general secretary of Comece, father Olivier Poquillon, the meeting will be opened by a reflection of the secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture, mgr. Paul Tighe, about “religious heritage as a treasure for all Europeans”. Then, four “good practices” in the use of religious heritage as a tool to give visibility to faith in today’s world and cohesion for local communities will be described: the restoration of St Martin’s Chapel in Stari Brod in Croatia, St Columba’s Way, the musical heritage of Samogitia in Lithuania, and Chartres Cathedral in France. The EU Commissioner for Culture, Tibor Navracsics, will explain the “goals of the EU” for the Year of Cultural Heritage, and how “civilian and religious organisations may give their support”. The last part will be about the efforts that the international institution, “Future for religious heritage”, is making as partner of the Commission in the group of stakeholders “Voices of culture and heritage”. The Year of Cultural Heritage is “a very positive initiative for Europe and may be a great opportunity for the Church to promote its heritage and improve its visibility and accessibility”, Comece explains (

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