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Reform: Card. Parolin to Vatican News, “may the Curia become an aid”. Amoris Laetitia “new paradigm”

“That the Curia may truly become an aid to the Pope”. This is the hope expressed by Card. Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, regarding the reform launched by Pope Francis. Recalling the progress already made in the work of the C9, the Cardinal – in an interview with Vatican News covering several topics – speaks of conversion as “the deep spirit that must animate all reform”, “the fundamental dimension of Christian life”. The topics covered also include Amoris Laetitia, which – he points out – “comes from a new paradigm that Pope Francis is promoting with wisdom, prudence and also with patience”. The document – Card. Parolin adds – is a call for help for families, “besides being an embrace that the Church gives to the family and its problems in today’s world”. The Vatican Secretary of State also points out that in 2018 the Church will focus on young people, and will do so with an innovative approach: by “asking them what they can do for the Church and what contribution they can make to the spread of the Gospel”.

The interview also touches on the upcoming apostolic journey to Chile and Peru. According to Card. Parolin, two challenges that “are dear to the Pope” are the role of indigenous people and fight against corruption. “I believe – he concludes – that it will be a not-so-easy yet very exciting journey”.

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