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France: Mgr. de Germay (Ajaccio), New Year Message. “Wishing the good of our humanity”

“Although sometimes formal, the habit of exchanging good wishes at the beginning of the New Year is beautiful: it means wishing good to others, that is, blessing them”. The French Bishop of Ajaccio, Mgr. Olivier de Germay, wrote this in a message published on the website of the Diocese of Corsica today. Besides wishing good to people, “we can wish the good of our entire Planet – it is really in bad shape”; and we can choose to live in a “more humble and therefore more sober” way, so that it may “recover good health”. “In nature, let us not forget the human being”, Mgr. de Germay pointed out: although we are not “an endangered species, we are subject to change, not just to climate change”. The Bishop went on to refer to the review of the law on bioethics, which should take place in the coming months, and which should not “leave us indifferent”. A number of complex topics are up for discussion (prenatal screening tests, surrogate motherhood, embryo experimentation, end of life and artificial intelligence), and “we should give them a thought, for the stakes are high”. It would not simply be an “ethical reflection on a particular technique, but a choice determining the type of society we want to live in”. The questions we should ask ourselves if we “wish the good of our humanity” are many: for example, is it good to “abandon the idea of a family based on gender differences?” or: “How can our society integrate vulnerability?” – these are all questions entrusted by the Bishop to the reflection and prayer of Catholics in Corsica.

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