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Terrorism: Brussels, the “tenth report on the progress of the Security Union” presented today

The “tenth report on the progress of the Security Union” has been presented in Brussels today. “The EU is narrowing the space in which terrorists can work by making it harder for them to travel, train, get money, weapons and explosives”. “We reject the nihilism” of the terrorist attacks of the last few weeks, the commissioner stated, aware we “cannot stop them completely”, but will try to restrain them. The EU Commission and the member states are working on several levels: strengthening the EU’s border security, and, among the results achieved, King listed “systematic checks in the security databanks of all travellers crossing the external borders”, “political agreement on the EU entry/exit system”, to record citizens from third countries moving in and out of the EU. The second line of work, which is under way, is about networking databanks and sharing information on several levels. Major progress has also been made in the fight against terrorism through the Directive about the fight against terrorism, the one on firearms, the current review of the EU regulation on explosive precursors and proposed plans against terrorist financing. As to the prevention of radicalisation, one thing worth mentioning is the “awareness-raising programme for citizens”.

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