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Pope Francis: audience, “I welcome migrants, asylum seekers and refugees”. “Thanks” to Caritas. We need “open arms”

Vaticano, 27 settembre: Papa Francesco tiene l'udienza generale in Piazza San Pietro (Foto L'Osservatore Romano ( / SIR)

“I am pleased to welcome the representatives of Caritas organisations, who have gathered here to kick-start the campaign ‘Share the Journey’, which I wanted to coincide with this audience”. The Pope said this today immediately after the end of his general audience catechesis in St Peter’s Square, before greeting the faithful in various languages. “I welcome the migrants, asylum seekers and refugees who, together with the personnel of Caritas Italiana and other Catholic organizations, are the sign of a Church that tries to be open, inclusive and welcoming”, Pope Francis remarked. “Thanks to all of you for your tireless service”. “You have already clapped your hands – Pope Francis said off the cuff to the 20,000 faithful present in St Peter’s Square -. Indeed, they all deserve a big applause!”. “With your daily commitment, you remind us that Christ Himself asks us to welcome our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters with arms wide open”, Pope Francis said: “Yes, with arms wide open!”, he continued, doing the gesture himself. “When your arms are open – the Pope said off the cuff –, they are ready for a sincere, loving and embracing hug, a bit like this Colonnade of St. Peter’s Square, which represents the Mother Church who embraces all of us by sharing in our common journey”.

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