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Pope Francis: audience, collection of signatures “for a new immigration law” cited

Vaticano, 27 settembre: Papa Francesco tiene l'udienza generale in Piazza San Pietro (Foto L'Osservatore Romano ( / SIR)

“I also welcome the representatives of many civil society organisations engaged in assisting migrants and refugees which, together with Caritas organisations, have given their support to the collection of signatures for a new immigration law more suited to the current context”. At the end of his catechesis, before greeting the faithful in various languages, the Pope addressed these words to the protagonists, together with Caritas, of the Campaign “Share the Journey”, cited by Pope Francis during the catechesis as a concrete example of hope. The Campaign by Caritas Internationalis, officially launched by the Pope today, was also recalled by the Pontiff during his greetings to the English-speaking faithful. Today, at the Holy See Press Office, the Campaign will also be presented to the press.

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