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Pope Francis: to Swiss Guard benefactors, “spirit of community and solidarity” helps to “overcome social tensions and differences”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“In carrying out your activities, you express the spirit of community and solidarity typical of the presence of Catholics in society”. This is the Pope’s greeting to the benefactors of the Pontifical Swiss Guard Foundation, received in audience to mark the official opening of the new headquarters of the Operations Centre. “Such an attitude – Pope Francis said – is rooted in the Gospel call to love our neighbour and helps to overcome social tensions and differences between different groups”. “Through your work, you bear concrete witness to the evangelical ideals and are an example of fraternity and sharing in the Swiss social fabric”, the homage paid by the Pope, who recalled that “love of neighbour corresponds to the commandment and example of Christ if it is based on a true love for God”: “It is then possible for a Christian, through his or her dedication, to make others experience the provident tenderness of our Heavenly Father”, Pope Francis assured, adding that through prayer, listening to the Word of God and the Eucharist “it is possible for us to operate in the logic of generosity and service”. “I thank you again for all you do for many young Swiss, who decide to dedicate a few years of their lives to the service of the Church and the Holy See”, the Pope concluded, assuring that “their discreet, professional and generous presence is much appreciated and helpful for the good performance of the Vatican’s activities”.

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